The advancement of laser technology has paved the way for various medical treatments, and one such innovation is the PicoWay laser. This FDA-cleared picosecond laser has gained recognition for its remarkable capabilities in treating skin issues like acne scars, wrinkles, benign pigmented lesions, and tattoo removal. PicoWay utilizes different handpieces and laser frequencies to address specific conditions effectively. This article will delve into the intricacies of PicoWay, its advantages, how it works, the treatment process, and its suitability for different individuals.
In recent years, the PicoWay laser has gained immense popularity for its efficacy in treating a variety of skin conditions. While initially known for its tattoo and pigment removal capabilities, it has now emerged as a sought-after solution for addressing acne scars and wrinkles. By employing cutting-edge technology, PicoWay offers effective treatments with minimal to no downtime, making it a preferred choice for individuals seeking skin rejuvenation.
PicoWay: The Solution for Tattoo Removal and Pigmented Lesions
The PicoWay laser system utilizes two distinct handpieces to target specific concerns. The PicoWay Zoom handpieces are designed for tattoo removal and addressing dark spots caused by benign pigmented lesions. On the other hand, the PicoWay Resolve handpieces focus on treating acne scars and wrinkles. This versatility allows the PicoWay laser to cater to a wide range of aesthetic needs.
The Power of PicoWay Resolve: Treating Acne Scars and Wrinkles
PicoWay sets itself apart from other picosecond lasers by offering the shortest pulse durations* for aesthetic purposes. Its non-thermal, photoacoustic effect works from the inside out, significantly improving acne scars and wrinkles over a series of quick 15 to 20-minute treatments. Patients can experience remarkable results with minimal downtime, enhancing their overall appearance and boosting their self-confidence.
皮秒 是目前全世界激光仪器中效果非常出色的一款,它有美国FDA和加拿大Health Canada的认证,集合了多种功能(祛斑、嫩肤、洗纹身)于一体。Picoway超皮秒通过不同的激光手柄和波长来应对不同的皮肤问题。Zoom激光手柄可以去除纹身以及黑色斑,Resolve激光手柄可以淡化皱纹以及抚平痤疮疤痕。
超皮秒激光治疗原理 PicoWay超皮秒是拥有“双波长(532nm/1064nm)+全息像素聚焦技术”的突破性祛斑美容激光,能用于祛除色素沉着、美白嫩肤和皮肤年轻化等, 一站式解决各类肌肤问题,为广大求美者提供安全、高效、舒适的治疗感受。对于色素他有一套独有的波长在做到彻底祛除色素。 PicoWay在祛斑效果上尤为突出,它拥有比蜂巢皮秒更快速强大的能量,可直接震碎黑色素,蜂巢皮秒能将黑色素击碎成细沙状, 而超皮秒能将黑色素粉碎成更小的“粉尘状”,更易被人体代谢、代谢更彻底。