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Diamond Peel Treatment (Back)


RM 128

1h 30m

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Diamond-tipped microdermabrasion meets pure oxygen for ultimate results. A full-body treatment that begins with all-over exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and impurities followed by a head-to-toe application of pure oxygen infused with LBS’s vitamin packed Oxygen Serum to deeply hydrate and revitalize skin with luminous results. Finished with our favorite organic moisturizer for soft, radiant skin.

金刚石磨皮磨皮与纯氧相结合,以获得最终效果。 一种全身护理,从全身去角质开始,去除死皮细胞和杂质,然后从头到脚使用注入 LBS 富含维生素的氧气血清的纯氧,以深层滋润和活化肌肤,带来明亮的效果。 最后使用我们最喜欢的有机保湿霜,让肌肤柔软、容光焕发。

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